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Motorola MBP36S Video Monitor

Product details

  • Brand: Motorola
  • Catalogue number: 402/5122
  • Manufacturer's number: MBP36SC

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The flashing LED on the parent unit indicates it needs charging. 

  1. Verify that the connections on the parent unit and at the electrical outlet are secure.
  2. Check that the wall outlet is working by plugging in another device, such as a lamp. 
  3. Check that the battery is properly installed. A full charge requires 16 hours. The battery icon should be visible when all connections are correct.
  1. The quality of the display can be improved by increasing the ambient light in the baby€™s room. 
  2. Increase the brightness level on the parent unit.

They are no longer paired and require re-registration. Select €œadd€ at the camera menu screen on the display. Select a camera, 1, 2, 3, or 4. An LED on the display will blink and the display will show €œpress pair on cam€. On the bottom of the camera unit, press the pair button. A confirmation beep will sound.

Place the baby unit as far away from the source of the background noise. 

  1. Face the mic on the front of the baby unit away from the source of the background noise. 
  2. Reduce the speaker volume.
  1. Check that the area you wish to monitor is well lit. 
  2. If the zoom level is set to 2X, the video appears less sharp. Set it to 1X zoom. 
  3. Set the brightness level on the parent unit to an optimal level. 
  4. Carefully clean dust off the camera lens. 
  5. Lift the antenna on the parent unit for optimal reception. 
  6. Face the parent unit display away from direct sun light or other direct lighting. 
  7. Make sure that the camera view is not obstructed by an object. 
  8. Check that the camera itself has not been moved, panned, or tilted, beyond your desired viewing area.

Returns policy

If you need advice or support for your product, please in the first instance contact the support provider using the number on this support page.

If you still need to return your product then please visit our most up to date returns policy here.